Thursday, April 15, 2010

another day, another thought


Just think about it, why do people hate studies so much. I mean like seriously, I really cant stand people who go on and on every single day about how they are not interested in studies.. they don't like studies, studies and unimportant... It really bothers me a shit load.

Why can't they think, so what if they don't like studies? THEY HAVE TO DO IT ANYWAY. So might as well do well in it right? Ranting about it doesn't make it any better. In fact, it lowers your morale to study, because all thats going on in your brain is: STUDY FOR WHAT? If people keep having this mentality, I'm sure they will grow to regret it.

Having the bo chup attitude towards studies is also not the way. If you don't understand during lessons, GO AND BLOODY ASK. SHEESH. I mean like, by giving up like that, you're just causing yourself future problems. When exams are nearing, and you realise you don't understand shit, what are you gonna do? Make the teacher teach everything all over again? In fact, some people choose to give up altogether. Wow. Good job people.

Teenagers fail to see the importance of studies. Just wait till you're old and jobless, see what you're gonna do. Live off your parents forever? Just because your parents are rich now, you can afford to slack off like that, ohh because "my daddy will send me overseas to study when I'm older.." WAKE UP. Those overseas schools are not schools for retards, you have to do well in Singapore too. Plus, your daddy's money isn't gonna buy you a future.

Your family is rich, you don't have a care in the world, go figure. You may argue that you don't need to have a degree to have a good job or be a boss. I agree. BUT. How many people actually make it big? To have a stable income and future, studies is crucial. More and more people are having degrees and university certs. Competition is stiff. To ensure a happy ending for yourself, you have to be pro active, be far sighted and plan for the future.

If you study hard now, get a good job in future, your happiness is set. Procrastinating is bad. BAD. VERY BAD.

Too bad, I don't practise what I preach. Gotta start learning how.

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